CHACO Home Garden Program.
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What is the purpose of the training package?
The materials contained in the training package is to assist trainers in showing how and why a home garden can make a significant contribution to meeting daily household food needs for better nutrition and health. Ideally, the training course should be run as part of an existing household food security and nutrition support program. This enables field workers to take advantage of the existing program's infrastructure while gaining practical experience in applying the knowledge and skills obtained. The course is to provide project extension and field workers with the technical, planning and management skills necessary for helping rural households identify problems in, and opportunities for, improving home food production and attaining better nutrition. Field workers and communities in areas, where sufficient land and water are available for cultivation, will also find some sections and Home Garden Technology Leaflets appropriate for their needs. In order to ensure that the training materials are appropriate and have practical meaning to the participants, trainers should adapt the course materials and case studies to each local situation. Enough time should be scheduled for this during the preparation of the workshop. Who should participate in the training? Project extension workers are the main targets of this training package and may therefore constitute the majority of those in the training courses. Other field workers, such as home economists, community development and health workers, teachers and those concerned with nutrition improvement through community development shall be included. Teamwork and interaction by all development agents working at the community level shall create a good understanding and foster appreciation of the role that each sector can play in raising nutritional standards. The ability of field workers to involve community members in a genuine dialogue about their food and nutrition concerns, and to coordinate nutrition and home gardening activities among the different sectors, is crucial for the program's success. Since women play a critical role in all aspects of food production, income generation and household nutrition, in training, gender issues is given an important consideration. To enable women to gain access to information and improved agricultural production technology, field workers consider women's needs much more than those of men. In the selection of field workers for the training, therefore, women from the fields of agricultural extension, community development, education, health and nutrition are given chance to participate. Paying attention to gender in team composition and ensuring a fair distribution of responsibilities during the training and fieldwork will facilitate a better understanding of food security and nutrition problems at the village level. It will make it easier for field workers to help communities resolve food and nutrition problems related to unequal access to resources and services. It will also raise awareness of the need for tailoring extension and technical services to women producers, to ensure that women become equal partners with men in development. |
For more information try the following:
1. Rationale, Goal, Objective and Motto 2. Mission Statement and Aim 3. Strategy, Activities, Outputs and Targets, 4. Timetable, Budget and Implemantation Stratey 5. Survey 6. Plant-Based Education, Resource Centre, Course Materials, Information Sheet, Technology Leaf 7. What is the Purpose of Training and Who Should Participate 8. -Who should dotraining? -What are Field Workers Training Needs? -What is the Duration of Training? - Where Shall Training be Conducted? 9. What Materials are Needed? and Follow up Action 10. Technical Notes For Trainers, Notes on Field Visits and Community Development 11. Funding Sources, Membersip, and Teacher Professional Development; |