CHACO Home Garden Program.
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The home garden managers and their families have not previously had the opportunity to learn about the importance of growing a variety of foods and eating a nutritious diet. In order to encourage them to diversify home garden production and make better use of locally available foods, field workers organise nutrition education sessions in the communities. The training and education sessions begin with an assessment of what the local people already know about the crops they grow, store, process, prepare and eat. A knowledge, attitude and practices survey will be conducted in order for field workers to gain a better understanding of the local people's cultural beliefs, attitudes about food and food sharing in the household, and their food preferences and restrictions. Based on this information, nutrition education messages and materials can be prepared and disseminated in a variety of settings, including schools, health centres, agricultural extension meetings, markets and village gatherings. Education sessions will be extremely practical and will emphasize learning by doing. Nutrition education sessions will use pictures, flip charts and local drama, song and dance, and will include demonstrations of simple food preparation and processing techniques and the preparation of new recipes in which all household members can participate. Outputs and targets: 500 households participating in assessing their own food and nutrition knowledge and practices; A picture book or charts created to show the food values of a variety of locally available crops; Practical nutrition education integrated into primary school lessons for boys and girls; Two songs composed and then performed during village drama sessions and on market days, encouraging households to feed their children more fruits and green leafy vegetables; Weekly food demonstration sessions conducted in the village on how to prepare nutritious weaning foods. Activities: Preparation of booklets or charts; Composition of songs and preparation for and conducting of village drama sessions; Preparation for and demonstrations of food processing and preparation; Preparation of nutrition education materials for use in primary schools on what a nutritious diet is, the importance of a nutritious diet and its effect on health, the food value of commonly grown local crops, simple food processing techniques and recognizing and creating a nutritious diet. Inputs: Material designer: ten days; Artist: five days; Nutritionist: three weeks; Trainer: three weeks; Printing of materials: one week |
For more information try the following:
1. Rationale, Goal, Objective and Motto 2. Mission Statement and Aim 3. Strategy, Activities, Outputs and Targets, 4. Timetable, Budget and Implemantation Stratey 5. Survey 6. Plant-Based Education, Resource Centre, Course Materials, Information Sheet, Technology Leaf 7. What is the Purpose of Training and Who Should Participate 8. -Who should dotraining? -What are Field Workers Training Needs? -What is the Duration of Training? - Where Shall Training be Conducted? 9. What Materials are Needed? and Follow up Action 10. Technical Notes For Trainers, Notes on Field Visits and Community Development 11. Funding Sources, Membersip, and Teacher Professional Development; |