CHACO Home Garden Program.
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“CHACO Home Garden Program” Core Fields of Emphasis:
Plant-Based Education: CHACO Home Garden program shall provide plant-based educational materials. The project extension workers, and other field workers, such as home economists, community development and health workers, teachers and those concerned with nutrition improvement through community development shall serve as guides, our school and youth gardening programs are to help children gain knowledge in science, literacy, social studies, nutrition, the environment, and personal skill areas such as leadership, problem-solving, and team building. Construction of a Resource Centre: Later with funds available, CHACO Home Garden shall construct a “Resource Centre” that shall be a crucial hub where gardeners and educators find information and inspiration. Novice and experienced gardeners shall take advantage of monthly Reports, planting guides, online gardening courses using internet; and garden industry research. Course Materials: The course materials are divided into ten sessions. In Sessions 1, 2 and 3, participants gain an understanding of the home garden in daily family life and learn about nutrition. Sessions 4, 5 and 6 deals with factors affecting household food security and nutritional well-being and options for improving the contribution of home gardens to the nutritional well-being of communities and households. Session 7 prepares participants to undertake a needs assessment, in consultation with the communities and households concerned. Sessions 8, 9 and 10 are practical sessions during which participants learn how to assist communities and households in planning and implementing improvements in the home garden, with an eye towards improving crop production, increasing diversity and meeting the nutritional needs of the household. The course materials for trainers and field workers are to provide an introduction to each topic and shall be distributed to the participants during each training session. The technical notes for trainers set out a program of activities and offer "priority" messages for each session. The trainers are to use these as a guide and act as facilitators during the training. Information Sheets: The Information Sheets for trainers and field workers shall contain technical information on each topic and are to be distributed to the participants as indicated in the technical notes for trainers. Home Garden Technology Leaflets: The Home Garden Technology Leaflets are for use by field workers, and literate farmers or household members. There are 18 leaflets, each of which provides information on a different technology option or type of improvement for the home garden and the use of garden produce. The leaflets can assist field workers and others in helping communities solve their food and nutrition problems by diversifying food production, improving eating habits and adding nutritional value to their diets. |
For more information try the following:
1. Rationale, Goal, Objective and Motto 2. Mission Statement and Aim 3. Strategy, Activities, Outputs and Targets, 4. Timetable, Budget and Implemantation Stratey 5. Survey 6. Plant-Based Education, Resource Centre, Course Materials, Information Sheet, Technology Leaf 7. What is the Purpose of Training and Who Should Participate 8. -Who should dotraining? -What are Field Workers Training Needs? -What is the Duration of Training? - Where Shall Training be Conducted? 9. What Materials are Needed? and Follow up Action 10. Technical Notes For Trainers, Notes on Field Visits and Community Development 11. Funding Sources, Membersip, and Teacher Professional Development; |