Chanet Community Organisation (CCO) - Internet Cafe Photos.
Home Page | CHACO Home Garden Program | Buhugu Sub-County | Contacts | Guest Book | Medical Centre | Internet Cafe; |
Photo 1 Below is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at the CCO's Internet Cafe that is Locate at Plot 10, Republic Street, In Mbale Town. Some Customers are Surfing.
Photo 2 Below is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at work in the CCO's Internet Cafe.
Photo 3 Below is An Information Technology (IT) Expert who had been invited by the Chief Executive Officer is demonstrating the way internet works to some selected members of the community at a workshop organized by CCO. The members were in turn to pass the same information to others :
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Photo 4 Below is the Manager CCO - Internet Cafe that is located at plot 10 Republic Street In Mbale town:
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Below is the Organisation's Logo :
Describing the meaning of LOGO: |
1. The Log's shape is as if there are two "G's" joined together. This means that CCO always believes in God in order to achieve its Goals. 2. The letter "O" represents a circle showing unity in the community. In the circle there are Elderly, girl child and youth who are the target group for CCO. 3. The log is a combination of the abbriviation CCO. Meaning Chanet Community Organisation 4. A hole with one outlet in which the words "Chanet Community Organisation" is written signifies that whenever CCO is given any Funding for a particular Project/Programme, it will never be deviated. The Whole Amount will have only one outlet and that is the Project for the community below in the letter "O". 5. The Dark portion below letter "O" if the log is inverted it looks like a skull of a human being. In the Skull we get Brain. Therefore CCO members are always using there Brains to uplift the standard of living in the communities. | |
Home Page | CHACO Home Garden Program | Buhugu Sub-County | Contacts & Physical Address | Guest Book | Medical Centre Activities | Internet Cafe Activities; |