CHACO Home Garden Program.
Home Page | CHACO Home Garden Program | Buhugu Sub-County | Contacts | Guest Book | Medical Centre | Internet Cafe; |
Training a local drama group: ten days; Training community mobilizes for food demonstrations: ten days; Training teachers on how to plan and integrate nutrition education into the primary school curriculum: ten days; Preparation of training materials: ten days; Preparation of picture charts: ten days; Printing of picture charts: five days; Training, education and drama sessions in villages, schools and other settings: one half day every week for 52 weeks. Budget: Community contributes food for cooking demonstrations; Technical assistance provided by CCO. Implementation Strategy: The Role of the Community Home Garden. Household Survey 1. The Importance of Better Household Food Supplies. Practical Nutrition for Field Workers. Contribution of “The Home Garden” to daily family food needs. Collecting Data On Food And Nutrition Problems And Home Garden Utilization |
For more information try the following:
1. Rationale, Goal, Objective and Motto 2. Mission Statement and Aim 3. Strategy, Activities, Outputs and Targets, 4. Timetable, Budget and Implemantation Stratey 5. Survey 6. Plant-Based Education, Resource Centre, Course Materials, Information Sheet, Technology Leaf 7. What is the Purpose of Training and Who Should Participate 8. -Who should dotraining? -What are Field Workers Training Needs? -What is the Duration of Training? - Where Shall Training be Conducted? 9. What Materials are Needed? and Follow up Action 10. Technical Notes For Trainers, Notes on Field Visits and Community Development 11. Funding Sources, Membersip, and Teacher Professional Development; |